Yellow-streaked Greenbul / Phyllastrephus flavostriatus

Yellow-streaked Greenbul / Phyllastrephus flavostriatus

Yellow-streaked Greenbul

SCI Name:  Phyllastrephus flavostriatus
Protonym:  Andropadus flavostriatus Ibis p.53
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Pycnonotidae /
Taxonomy Code:  yesbul1
Type Locality:  Macamac, Transvaal.
Publish Year:  1876
IUCN Status:  


(Pycnonotidae; Ϯ Terrestrial Brownbul P. terrestris) Gr. φυλλον phullon  leaf; στρεφω strephō  to toss, to turn;  "Genus, PHYLLASTREPHUS.  ...  Feet short, strong, robust. Anterior tarsal scales divided. Lateral toes unequal. Hinder toe shorter than the tarsus, but as long as the middle toe. Claws large, broad, hooked, acute.  Type. - Le Jaboteur, LE VAILL., pl. 112, f. 1" (Swainson 1831).
Var. Phyllostrophus (Gr. στροφαω strophaō  to turn), Phillastrephus.
Synon. Argaleocichla, Ayresillas, Sclaterillas.

flavostriata / flavostriatus
L. flavus yellow, golden-yellow; striatus striated  < striare to furrow  < stria furrow.


Yellow-streaked Greenbul (Sharpe's)
SCI Name: Phyllastrephus flavostriatus alfredi
● Prof. Alfred Newton (1829-1907) British ornithologist (Bradypterus, syn. Tylas eduardi).
Alfred William Vincent (1904-2000) English ornithologist, brother of Col. Jack Vincent (subsp. Cyanomitra olivacea).
Alfred Henry Ebsworth White (1901-1964) Australian field-naturalist, son of collector Henry L. White (syn. Lacustroica whitei).
● Alfred Hart Everett (1848-1898) English ornithologist, explorer, collector in the East Indies (Otus).
● Admiral Prince Alfred Ernest Albert (1844-1900) 3rd Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha (reigned 1893-1900), Duke of Edinburgh, Earl of Ulster and Earl of Kent, second son of Queen Victoria (syn. Petrochelidon spilodera).
● Sir Alfred Sharpe (1853-1935) British adventurer, big-game hunter, Consul-General and Commissioner for British Central Africa 1896-1907, Gov. of Nyasaland 1907-1910 (subsp. Phyllastrephus flavostriatus, syn. Tachymarptis aequatorialis).
● Alfred Henri Edme Œillet des Murs (b. 1842) French JP, son of ornithologist Marc Athanase Parfait Œillet des Murs (Björn Bergenholtz in litt.) (subsp. Psarocolius angustifrons).
● Antoine-Alfred Marche (1844-1898) French naturalist, explorer, collector in West Africa, the Philippines, and the Marianas (subsp. Todiramphus winchelli).

Yellow-streaked Greenbul (Yellow-streaked)
SCI Name: Phyllastrephus flavostriatus [flavostriatus Group]
(Pycnonotidae; Ϯ Terrestrial Brownbul P. terrestris) Gr. φυλλον phullon  leaf; στρεφω strephō  to toss, to turn;  "Genus, PHYLLASTREPHUS.  ...  Feet short, strong, robust. Anterior tarsal scales divided. Lateral toes unequal. Hinder toe shorter than the tarsus, but as long as the middle toe. Claws large, broad, hooked, acute.  Type. - Le Jaboteur, LE VAILL., pl. 112, f. 1" (Swainson 1831).
Var. Phyllostrophus (Gr. στροφαω strophaō  to turn), Phillastrephus.
Synon. Argaleocichla, Ayresillas, Sclaterillas.