White-headed Buffalo-Weaver / Dinemellia dinemelli

White-headed Buffalo-Weaver / Dinemellia dinemelli

White-headed Buffalo-Weaver

SCI Name:  Dinemellia dinemelli
Protonym:  Textor dinemelli Systemat.Uebers.Vog.N.-O.-Afr. p.72 pl.30
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Ploceidae /
Taxonomy Code:  whbwea1
Type Locality:  Shoa (ex Horsfield MS).i
Publish Year:  1845
IUCN Status:  


(Ploceidae; Ϯ White-headed Buffalo Weaver D. dinemelli) Specific name Textor dinemelli Rüppell, 1845; "LXXDinemellia RCHB.  Dinemellia.  Schnabel dick kegelförmig. Kleid von den Verwandten auffällig abweichend. Die näheren Kennzeichen, sowie die Lebensweise noch nicht bekannt.   327—28. D. leucocephala (Textor leucocephalus RÜPPEL Mus. Senkbg. Uebers. d. V. N.-O.-Afr. 72. t. 20.) RCHB.   ...   Textor Dinemelli HORSF., GRAY gen. t. 87. f. 1., unsere untere Figur.  RÜPPEL deutet darauf hin, dass noch zu beobachten ist, ob dieser Vogel so wie Alectornis mit Vieh gesellig lebt und auch ihm die auffallende Entwickelung der Ruthe zukommt. — Ostafrika, Schoa: HARRIS." (Reichenbach 1863); "Dinemellia Reichenbach, 1863, Singvögel, p. 88. Type, by monotypy, Textor leucocephalus Rüppell = Textor dinemelli Rüppell." (Moreau in Peters, 1962, XV, p. 4).
Var. Dienemellia.
Synon. Limoneres.

Denehmelli or Dinómali, a frontier post between Argobba and Shoa, Abyssinia / Ethiopia (Björn Bergenholtz and Mark Brown in litt.).  All previous authorities have been mistaken in believing this name to be an eponym (Dinemellia).


White-headed Buffalo-Weaver (dinemelli)
SCI Name: Dinemellia dinemelli dinemelli
Denehmelli or Dinómali, a frontier post between Argobba and Shoa, Abyssinia / Ethiopia (Björn Bergenholtz and Mark Brown in litt.).  All previous authorities have been mistaken in believing this name to be an eponym (Dinemellia).

White-headed Buffalo-Weaver (boehmi)
SCI Name: Dinemellia dinemelli boehmi
boehmi / boehmii
● Prof. Leo Borisovich Boehme (1895-1954) Russian zoologist (syn. Anthus campestris).
● Dr Richard Johann Constantin Böhm (1854-1884) German zoologist, explorer, collector in tropical Africa (Bradornis, subsp. Dinemellia dinemelli, syn. Eurocephalus rueppelli, syn. Indicator indicator, subsp. Lanius excubitoroides, syn. Luscinia lusciniaMerops, syn. Musophaga rossae, Neafrapus, syn. Pternistis afer cranchii, Sarothrura, Sylvia, subsp. Trachyphonus darnaudii).
● Edward Marshall Boehm (1913-1969) US sculptor, famed for his porcelain figures of birds, aviculturalist (syn. Chlorophonia flavirostris).