White-eared Night-Heron / Gorsachius magnificus

White-eared Night-Heron / Gorsachius magnificus

White-eared Night-Heron

SCI Name:  Gorsachius magnificus
Protonym:  Nycticorax magnificus Ibis p.586
Taxonomy:  Pelecaniformes / Ardeidae /
Taxonomy Code:  wenher1
Type Locality:  Five-finger Mountain, Hainan.
Publish Year:  1899
IUCN Status:  


(Ardeidae; Ϯ Japanese Night Heron G. goisagi) Specific name Ardea goisagi Temminck, 1836; “122. Gorsachius, Pucheran.  (Nycticorax! part. Gr.) Rostrum breve fere CUCULACEUM (LEPTOSOMI!)   As. or.  1.   ARDEA GOISAKI, Temm. (Botaurus goisagi, Reich. - Nycticorax goisagi, Gr. - Gorsachius typus, Pucheran.) Pl. col. 582. juv.. - Schleg., Faun. Jap. Av. t. 75. - Reich., Syst. Av. t. 149. f. 2566 et 2567. - Mus. Paris. adult. 1829. a Brossardo. et juv. a Temm. ex Japan. nec Ins. Philippensibus.” (Bonaparte 1855); "Gorsachius Bonaparte, Consp. Av., 2, 1855, p. 138. Type, by monotypy, Nycticorax goisagi Temminck." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 117).   
Var. Goisachius, Goisakius, GoraschiusGorsakius.   
Synon. Butio, Limnophylax, Oroanassa.

L. magnificus  splendid, magnificent  < magnus  great; facere  to make.
● ex “Magnifique” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 631 (Cicinnurus).