Western Bluebill / Spermophaga haematina

Western Bluebill / Spermophaga haematina

Western Bluebill

SCI Name:  Spermophaga haematina
Protonym:  Loxia haematina Ois.Chant. p.102 pl.LXVII ?? date ? Doubt 1805 (Peters)
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Estrildidae /
Taxonomy Code:  wesblu1
Type Locality:  Africa ; restricted to Gold Coast by Neumann, 1910, Journ. f. Ornith., 58, p. 523.
Publish Year:  1808
IUCN Status:  


(Estrildidae; Ϯ Western Bluebill S. haematina) Gr. σπερμα sperma,  σπερματος spermatos  seed  < σπειρω speirō  to scatter; -φαγος -phagos -eating  
< φαγειν phagein  to eat; "BLUE BILLED NUT CRACKER.  Spermophaga cyanorynchus, SWAINS.  ...  Loxia hæmatina, Vieillot, Ois. Chant. Pl. 67.— Loxia guttata, ib. 68.  ALTHOUGH the two birds we shall now describe under the above name have been considered different species, we strongly suspect they will turn out to be sexes of only one. Their size and proportions are precisely the same, while the very remarkable colour of the bill, exactly alike in both, still further  strengthens this belief.   ...   The colouring is simple,— that of the bill is very peculiar in some lights; at a distance it appears almost black; when viewed more closely, however,  it becomes of the darkest indigo-blue, but with reflections of a much lighter colour, nearly resembling ultramarine, the tips being rich orange." (Swainson 1837 (Nat. Hist Bds. Western Africa)); "Spermophaga, Sw.   Bill moderate, conic, but rather lengthened; upper mandible thicker than the under; the tip entire; the commissure sinuated. Wings and tail much rounded; the first quill fully developed, but only half as long as the fifth.   Africa.  S. cyanorynchus. West. Af. i. 164.  Vieil. Ois. Chant. pl. 67, 68." (Swainson 1837 (Nat. Hist. Classification Bds.)); "Spermophaga Swainson, 1837, Birds W. Africa, 1, p. 164. Type, by monotypy, Spermophaga cyanorynchus Swainson = Loxia haematina Vieillot." (Traylor in Peters 1968, XIV, 321).
Synon. Spermospiza.

L. haematinus  blood-coloured  < Gr. αἱματινος haimatinos  bloody, red  < αἱμα haima, αἱματος haimatos  blood.


Western Bluebill (Western)
SCI Name: Spermophaga haematina haematina/togoensis
(Estrildidae; Ϯ Western Bluebill S. haematina) Gr. σπερμα sperma,  σπερματος spermatos  seed  < σπειρω speirō  to scatter; -φαγος -phagos -eating  
< φαγειν phagein  to eat; "BLUE BILLED NUT CRACKER.  Spermophaga cyanorynchus, SWAINS.  ...  Loxia hæmatina, Vieillot, Ois. Chant. Pl. 67.— Loxia guttata, ib. 68.  ALTHOUGH the two birds we shall now describe under the above name have been considered different species, we strongly suspect they will turn out to be sexes of only one. Their size and proportions are precisely the same, while the very remarkable colour of the bill, exactly alike in both, still further  strengthens this belief.   ...   The colouring is simple,— that of the bill is very peculiar in some lights; at a distance it appears almost black; when viewed more closely, however,  it becomes of the darkest indigo-blue, but with reflections of a much lighter colour, nearly resembling ultramarine, the tips being rich orange." (Swainson 1837 (Nat. Hist Bds. Western Africa)); "Spermophaga, Sw.   Bill moderate, conic, but rather lengthened; upper mandible thicker than the under; the tip entire; the commissure sinuated. Wings and tail much rounded; the first quill fully developed, but only half as long as the fifth.   Africa.  S. cyanorynchus. West. Af. i. 164.  Vieil. Ois. Chant. pl. 67, 68." (Swainson 1837 (Nat. Hist. Classification Bds.)); "Spermophaga Swainson, 1837, Birds W. Africa, 1, p. 164. Type, by monotypy, Spermophaga cyanorynchus Swainson = Loxia haematina Vieillot." (Traylor in Peters 1968, XIV, 321).
Synon. Spermospiza.

Western Bluebill (Red-rumped)
SCI Name: Spermophaga haematina pustulata
pustulata / pustulatus
L. pustulatus blistered, pimply < pustula pimple.