Striated Antbird / Drymophila devillei

Striated Antbird / Drymophila devillei

Striated Antbird

SCI Name:  Drymophila devillei
Protonym:  Formicivora devillei Bull.Soc.Philom.(9), 8 p.38
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Thamnophilidae /
Taxonomy Code:  strant2
Type Locality:  northeastern Peru; error, the type is from the Department of Cusco.
Publish Year:  1906
IUCN Status:  


(Thamnophilidae; Ferruginous Antbird D. ferruginea) Gr. δρυμος drumos  wood, copse; φιλος philos  lover; "Finally, there seems to be another group, wherein the tail is again developed; the tarsi are proportionably long, but more robust; and the whole habit shows a much greater analogy to the Meruladæ, than any of the foregoing types: these birds I shall, for the present, consider as forming the genus Drymophila" (Swainson 1824); "DRYMOPHILA  ...  They seem to prefer the deep and secluded recesses of the virgin forests; and in all probability derive their chief sustenance from the myriads of Ants which there abound" (Swainson 1825); "Drymophila Swainson, Zool. Journ., 1, Oct., 1824, p. 302, in text.  Diagnosis only; species added, Such, Zool. Journ., 1, Jan. 1825, p. 559.   Type, Drymophila variegata Such = Myothera ferruginea Temminck." (Peters, 1951, VII, p. 209).
Var. Drymophyla, Drimophilus, Drymophilus.
Synon. Ellipura, Eriodora, Stipituropsis, Taenidiura.
• (Vangidae; syn. Philentoma Maroon-breasted Philentoma P. velata) "DRYMOPHILE VOILÉ.  DRYMOPHILA VELATA. TEMM.  ...  L'espèce type dont le mâle est figuré pl. 334, est caractérisée par une bande noire qui, en forme de voile, couvre le front, la face et les joues; à ce noir profond et lustre succède, sur le devant du cou et sur la poitrine, une grande plaque couvrant ces parties d'un roux-marron mordoré; toutes les autres parties du corps, les ailes et la queue ont un ton bleu-clair légèrement nuancé de cendré" (Temminck 1825); “At first sight Drymophila Temminck appears to be preoccupied by Drymophila Swainson, 1824, but the latter is a nomen nudum, no species being mentioned; and it was not properly characterized until the next year, later by a few months than Drymophila Temminck, which thus becomes available for Philentoma” (Oberholser 1899); "Drymophila Temminck, 1825, Planches Color., livr. 56; also 1826, livr. 70. Type, by original designation, Drymophila velata Temminck. Preoccupied by Drymophila Swainson 1824" (Watson in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 471).

deville / devillei / devillii
● Émile Deville (1824-1853) French naturalist, taxidermist, collector in Brazil and Peru 1842-1847 (subsp. Amazilia beryllina, syn. Arremon polionotus, syn. Brotogeris cyanoptera, subsp. Dendrexetastes rufigula, Drymophila, syn. Gymnostinops yuracares, syn. Micromonacha lanceolata, Pyrrhura, syn. Trogon rufus sulphureus).
● Sieur Émile Clement Napoléon de Ville (1836-1881) Belgian gunsmith, Consul in Quito, Ecuador 1869-1878, and Zanzibar 1880-1881 (Martin Schneider and Laurent Raty in litt.) (syn. Oroaetus isidori).


Striated Antbird (devillei)
SCI Name: Drymophila devillei devillei
deville / devillei / devillii
● Émile Deville (1824-1853) French naturalist, taxidermist, collector in Brazil and Peru 1842-1847 (subsp. Amazilia beryllina, syn. Arremon polionotus, syn. Brotogeris cyanoptera, subsp. Dendrexetastes rufigula, Drymophila, syn. Gymnostinops yuracares, syn. Micromonacha lanceolata, Pyrrhura, syn. Trogon rufus sulphureus).
● Sieur Émile Clement Napoléon de Ville (1836-1881) Belgian gunsmith, Consul in Quito, Ecuador 1869-1878, and Zanzibar 1880-1881 (Martin Schneider and Laurent Raty in litt.) (syn. Oroaetus isidori).

Striated Antbird (subochracea)
SCI Name: Drymophila devillei subochracea
subochracea / subochraceum / subochraceus
L. sub beneath, somewhat; ochra ochre < Gr. ωχρα ōkhra yellow-ochre (cf. Late L. subochrus pale yellow).