Slaty-legged Crake / Rallina eurizonoides

Slaty-legged Crake / Rallina eurizonoides

Slaty-legged Crake

SCI Name:  Rallina eurizonoides
Protonym:  Gallinula eurizonoïdes Rev.Zool. 8 p.368
Taxonomy:  Gruiformes / Rallidae /
Taxonomy Code:  sllcra1
Type Locality:  No locality; the type agrees with specimens from the Philippines.
Publish Year:  1845
IUCN Status:  


(Rallidae; Red-legged Crake R. fasciata) Dim. <  genus Rallus Linnaeus, 1758, rail; "CORETHRURA Reich. *  ...  1. C. zeylanica (Gmel.) Brown's Ill. pl. 37.   2. C. fasciata (Raffl.) Linn. Trans. xiii. p. 328. — Gallinula euryzona Temm. Pl. col. 417.; Rallus ruficeps Cuv.; Type of Rallina Reich. 1845.   ...   * Established by M. Reichenbach in 184-?  Rallina of the same author is synonymous." (G. Gray 1846); Reichenbach's 1849, plate XX, labelled Heliorninae-Rallinae, shows a variety of marshbirds, including various crakes, finfoots, the Limpkin and the Sun-bittern; "Rallina "Reichenbach" G. R. Gray, Gen. Bds., 3, 1846, p. 595.  Type, by original designation, Rallus fasciatus Raffles." (Peters, 1934, II, p. 171) (cf. "1846. —Rallina Gray, Gen. Birds, III, p. 595  (type R. zeylanicus Gm. (nec Rallina Reich.)." (Stone, 1894, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, XLVI, p. 141).  J. Gmelin, 1789, Syst. Nat., I (ii), p. 716, in describing Rallus zeylanicus, confused and mixed up the text and plates from P. Brown, 1776, New Illustrations of Zoology, p. 94, pl. xxxvii (The Rail), and p. 96, pl. xxxviii (Rail).  Gmelin's description does not apply to the Slaty-legged Crake, for which Rallus eurizonoides de La Fresnaye, 1845, must be used.  Tweeddale, 1877, Proc. Zool. Soc. London, p. 768, suggests that Brown's Rail is possibly the Red Spurfowl Galloperdix spadiceus
Synon. Castanolimnas, Corethrura, Euryzona, Tomirdus.
• (Rallidae; syn. Aramides † Grey-necked Wood Rail A. cajaneus) "Genera et Species typicae.   ...   d.  *Rallina Rchb. maxima (Rall. — us Vieill.) R.  Tab. XX.  Caput, ala, pes." (Reichenbach 1853); "Rallina has been employed by various authors for a variety of species.  Reichenbach [1845] first proposed the name in his Synopsis Avium, Vol. III, Rasores, Fam. Rallinæ, including under it a large number of species, and it has been generally used since for the Rails allied to R. euryzona.  It seems, however, that no type was cited for the genus until the appearance of Reichenbach's [1853] Systema in which he restricts the name to the South American species allied to R. maximus, this species being the type.  Unfortunately this species had already been made the type of the genus Aramides, so that Rallina becomes a synonym of this latter genus and we must adopt the name Euryzona Bonap. for the Rails allied to R. euryzona" (Stone, 1894, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, XLVI, p. 134).

Specific name Gallinula eurizona Temminck, 1826 (= syn. Rallina fasciata); Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; "4º  Gallinula eurizonoïdes.  ...  Au premier abord cette espèce paraît être identique avec la poule d'eau large bande, Gallinula eurizona Tem., col. 417 de Java, mais en la comparant avec elle, elle offre les différences suivantes." (de La Fresnaye 1845) (Rallina).


Slaty-legged Crake (amauroptera)
SCI Name: Rallina eurizonoides amauroptera
amauroptera / amauropterus
Gr. αμαυρος amauros  dark; -πτερος -pteros  -winged  < πτερον pteron  wing.

Slaty-legged Crake (telmatophila)
SCI Name: Rallina eurizonoides telmatophila
Gr. τελμα telma, τελματος telmatos  marsh; φιλος philos  loving  < φιλεω phileō  to love  < φιλος philos  lover.

Slaty-legged Crake (sepiaria)
SCI Name: Rallina eurizonoides sepiaria
sepiaria / sepiarium / sepiarius
● L. sepes, sepis, or saepes, saepis  hedge.
● Mod. L. sepiarius  sepia-brown, reddish-brown, rich brown  < Gr. σηπια sēpia  cuttle-fish, sepia.

Slaty-legged Crake (formosana)
SCI Name: Rallina eurizonoides formosana
formosae / formosana / formosanus
Formosa (= Taiwan).

Slaty-legged Crake (eurizonoides)
SCI Name: Rallina eurizonoides eurizonoides
Specific name Gallinula eurizona Temminck, 1826 (= syn. Rallina fasciata); Gr. -οιδης -oidēs  resembling; "4º  Gallinula eurizonoïdes.  ...  Au premier abord cette espèce paraît être identique avec la poule d'eau large bande, Gallinula eurizona Tem., col. 417 de Java, mais en la comparant avec elle, elle offre les différences suivantes." (de La Fresnaye 1845) (Rallina).

Slaty-legged Crake (alvarezi)
SCI Name: Rallina eurizonoides alvarezi
● Prof. Mauricio Álvarez Rebolledo (fl. 2018) Colombian ornithologist, conservationist (Grallaria).
● Dr. Miguel Alvarez del Toro (1917-1996) Mexican naturalist, collector, taxidermist, conservationist (syn. Piranga bidentata sanguinolenta).
● Jesus B. Alvarez, Jr. (fl. 2000) Filipino conservationist, Director of Philippine Parks and Wildlife Bureau (subsp. Rallina eurizonoides).

Slaty-legged Crake (minahasa)
SCI Name: Rallina eurizonoides minahasa
minahasa / minahassae
Minahassa Peninsula, Celebes (= Sulawesi).