Short-tailed Antthrush / Chamaeza campanisona
Short-tailed Antthrush
SCI Name:
Protonym: Myiothera campanisona Verz.Doubl.Zool.Mus.Berlin p.44
Taxonomy: Passeriformes / Formicariidae / Chamaeza
Taxonomy Code: shtant1
Type Locality: Sao Paulo.
Author: Lichtenstein, MHC
Publish Year: 1823
IUCN Status: Least Concern
(Formicariidae; Ϯ Short-tailed Ant-thrush C. campanisona) Gr. χαμαι khamai on the ground; ζαω zaō to live (cf. χαμαζη khamazē on the ground); "Uncommon to locally fairly common on or near the ground in humid and montane forest and mature secondary woodland" (Ridgely & Tudor 1994); "*CHAMÆZA. Rostrum subbreve, subforte, culmine leviter arcuato; naribus basalibus, oblongo-ovalibus, longitudinalibus, plumis parvulis obtectis. Alæ brevissimæ, rotundatæ; remige 1ma brevi, 2da et 7ma, 3ta et 6ta æqualibus, longissimis; pogoniis utrinque fere integris. Pedes subgraciles; tarsis elongatis; acrotarsiis scutellatis, in scuta novem divisis; paratarsiis in scutula plurima divisis; digitis subelongatis, gracilibus, duobus extimis ad basin connexis, unguibus gracilibus, compressis; halluce subelongato, subforti, ungue subelongato, arcuato, maxime compresso. Cauda brevis, rotundata, Obs. Genus subfamilias Myiotherinam, Swains., et Merulinam eximie connectens. MERULOIDES. ... Habitat in Brasilia." (Vigors 1825); "Chamaeza Vigors, Zool. Journ., 2, 1825, p. 395. Type, by monotypy, Chamaeza meruloides Vigors = Turdus brevicaudus Vieillot = Myiothera campanisona Lichtenstein." (Peters, 1951, VII, p. 242).
Var. Chamoeza, Chamaezosa (Gr. ζωη zōē manner of life), Chamaezusa, Chanmzu, Chemaeza, Chemoeza.
Late L. campana bell; L. sonus sounding < sonare to sound.
● ex “Grand Béfroi de Cayenne” of de Buffon 1770-1783. Latham 1783, wrote of the Thrush-like Antpitta, “has a remarkable cry, to be heard morning and evening, very loud and piercing, like the larum of a clock, for about an hour each time” (Myrmothera).
Short-tailed Antthrush (venezuelana)
SCI Name: Chamaeza campanisona venezuelana
venezuelae / venezuelana / venezuelanus / venezuelense / venezuelensis
Venezuela (Italian Venezuola, a diminutive of Venezia Venice, alluding to native houses on stilts in the waters of Lake Maracaibo).
Short-tailed Antthrush (yavii)
SCI Name: Chamaeza campanisona yavii
Cerro Yaví, Territorio Amazonas, Venezuela.
Short-tailed Antthrush (huachamacarii)
SCI Name: Chamaeza campanisona huachamacarii
Cerro Huachamacari, Amazonas, Venezuela.
Short-tailed Antthrush (obscura)
SCI Name: Chamaeza campanisona obscura
L. obscurus dark, dusky, covered, obscure.
● ex “Dusky Duck” of Pennant 1785, and Latham 1785 (syn. Anas rubripes).
● ex “Brown Tern” of Pennant 1768, and Latham 1785 (syn. Chlidonias niger).
● ex “Yacúhú” of de Azara 1802-1805, No. 335: “Yacús ... Asi llaman los Güaranís á tres páxaros ... á otro llamado Mitú” (Penelope).
● ex “Dusky Petrel” of Latham 1785 (?syn. Pterodroma alba; unident.).
Short-tailed Antthrush (fulvescens)
SCI Name: Chamaeza campanisona fulvescens
Med. L. fulvescens, fulvescentis glowing yellow < fulvescere to glow yellow < L. fulvus tawny.
● See: furvescens
Short-tailed Antthrush (columbiana)
SCI Name: Chamaeza campanisona columbiana
columbiana / columbianum / columbianus
● Colombia. To this day the name of Colombia is misspelled in newspapers, scientific works (e.g. NAOC Vancouver 2012 Abstracts, p. 207) and books, and on television (e.g. BBC News Channel (Travel!) 14 May 2017), and generally wrongly pronounced there (e.g. Channel 4 Seven O’Clock News, 10 October 2011) and on radio (e.g. BBC Radio 2 Jeremy Vine Show 30 November 2016). “America ... north of the Isthmus of Darien, the southern continent being termed Columbia” (Wood 1835) (subsp. Chamaeza campanisona, subsp. Cinclodes excelsior, Crypturellus, Fulica, Ortalis, Phaethornis, subsp. Philydor rufum, subsp. Synallaxis gujanensis).
● Columbia River or Columbia River region (Oregon) (Cygnus (ex “Whistling Swan” of P. Allen 1814), syn. Gymnogyps californianus, Nucifraga, subsp. Pedioecetes phasianellus (ex “Grouse or Prairie Hen” of Lewis 1814), syn. Piranga ludoviciana).
● Greater Colombia (= Venezuela) (Odontophorus, Philydor).
● Columbia County, Florida, USA (‡ Palaeophoyx).
● British Columbia, Canada (subsp. Poecile hudsonicus).
● Erroneous TL. Porto Cabello, Colombia (= Ciudad Bolívar, Río Orinoco, Venezuela) (Sicalis).
Short-tailed Antthrush (punctigula)
SCI Name: Chamaeza campanisona punctigula
punctigula / punctigulus
L. punctum spot < pungere to puncture; gula throat.
● ex “Pic rayé de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 613, “Petit pic rayé de Cayenne” of de Buffon 1770-1785, and “Cayenne Woodpecker” of Latham 1783 (Colaptes).
Short-tailed Antthrush (olivacea)
SCI Name: Chamaeza campanisona olivacea
Mod. L. olivaceus olive-green, olivaceous < L. oliva olive.
● ex “Olivert” of Levaillant 1803, pl. 125 (syn. Camaroptera brachyura).
● ex “Olivet” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Olive Tanager” (= ♀) of Latham 1783, and Pennant 1785 (Piranga).
● ex “Olive-coloured Warbler” of Brown 1776, and Latham 1783 (unident.).
● ex “Promérops olivâtre” of Audebert & Vieillot 1800-1802 (unident.; Meliphagidae).
Short-tailed Antthrush (berlepschi)
SCI Name: Chamaeza campanisona berlepschi
Hans Hermann Carl Ludwig Graf von Berlepsch (1850-1915) German ornithologist, collector specialising in the Neotropical avifauna (Aglaiocercus, Anthocephala, Asthenes, syn. Catharus fuscater, subsp. Ceratopipra erythrocephala, Chaetocercus, subsp. Chamaeza campanisona, subsp. Chlorostilbon lucidus (ex Chlorostilbon splendidus egregius von Berlepsch & Ihering, 1885), subsp. Colius striatus, subsp. Conopias trivirgatus, Cranioleuca, Crypturellus, Dacnis, syn. Dendrocolaptes picumnus validus, syn. Eremophila teleschowi, syn. Eriocnemis vestita, subsp. Hafferia zeledoni, syn. Heliodoxa jacula henryi, syn. Henicorhina leucophrys, Hylopezus, syn. Hylopezus macularius paraensis, Leptasthenura, subsp. Lesbia victoriae, subsp. Merganetta leucogenis, subsp. Mitrephanes phaeocercus, syn. Myiornis auricularis, subsp. Myrmoborus lugubris, subsp. Myrmotherula menetriesii, subsp. Ochthoeca fumicolor, Parotia, Patagioenas, subsp. Phaeochroa cuvierii, syn. Phaethornis syrmatophorus, subsp. Phimosus infuscatus, subsp. Polioptila dumicola, subsp. Pseudotriccus pelzelni, subsp. Pyrrhura melanura, Rhegmatorhina, syn. Sicalis olivascens, Sipia, subsp. Sphenopsis melanotis, syn. Tangara episcopus prysjonesi, subsp. Tangara nigroviridis, subsp. Thamnophilus tenuepunctatus, subsp. Tolmomyias sulphurescens, syn. Turdus albicollis spodiolaemus, subsp. Veniliornis mixtus, subsp. Xiphocolaptes promeropirhynchus).
Short-tailed Antthrush (boliviana)
SCI Name: Chamaeza campanisona boliviana
boliviae / boliviana / bolivianum / bolivianus / boliviensis
Bolivia (named after Simón Bolívar (1783-1830) "The Liberator", Venezuelan revolutionary, who helped to expel the Spaniards from their South American empire).
Short-tailed Antthrush (campanisona)
SCI Name: Chamaeza campanisona campanisona
Late L. campana bell; L. sonus sounding < sonare to sound.
● ex “Grand Béfroi de Cayenne” of de Buffon 1770-1783. Latham 1783, wrote of the Thrush-like Antpitta, “has a remarkable cry, to be heard morning and evening, very loud and piercing, like the larum of a clock, for about an hour each time” (Myrmothera).
Short-tailed Antthrush (tshororo)
SCI Name: Chamaeza campanisona tshororo
Güarani name Ihnambú Tshororó for some sort of calling bird (subsp. Chamaeza campanisona).
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, mispellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)