Pied-crested Tit-Tyrant / Anairetes reguloides
Pied-crested Tit-Tyrant
SCI Name:
Protonym: C[ulicivora] reguloides Mag.Zool. 7 cl.2 p.57
Taxonomy: Passeriformes / Tyrannidae / Anairetes
Taxonomy Code: pcttyr1
Type Locality: Tacna, Peru.
Author: d''Orbigny & Lafresnaye
Publish Year: 1837
IUCN Status: Least Concern
(Tyrannidae; Ϯ Tufted Tit Tyrant A. parulus) Gr. αναιρετης anairetēs destroyer (i.e. tyrant). Illustrated in Reichenbach 1850, plate LXVI, labelled Muscicapinae: Tyranninae, with other tyrant flycatchers, this epithet seems scarcely warranted for the small Tufted Tit Tyrant, although it does tend towards aggression during the breeding season; "Anairetes Reichenbach, 1850, Avium Syst. Nat., pl. 66. Type, by subsequent designation (Sclater, 1888, Cat. Birds. Brit. Mus., 14, p. 106), Anairetes parulus." (Traylor in Peters 1979, VIII, 45); G. Gray, 1855, Cat. Genera Subgenera Birds Brit. Mus., p. 50, treated this name under Serpophaga, and gave the type as S. albocoronata Gould, 1839 = Muscicapa straminea Temminck, 1822 (now a subsp. of S. subcristata), but Reichenbach's plate cannot be identified with this bird. I have elsewhere suggested that the birds of this genus be given the substantive name of Cachudito (from the Spanish cachudito little long-horn).
Var. Anaeretes.
Synon. Spizitornis, Yanacea.
Genus Regulus Cuvier, 1800, kinglet, goldcrest; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs resembling.
● "they resemble most nearly the group of Regulus, Cuv.: they want, however, the singular plume which covers the nostrils of that genus. ... Like the Reguli they appear to be the inhabitants of bushes and low scrubs. ... 2. REGULOIDES. Acant. supra viridi-olivacea, subtus flavescenti-albida; fronte sincipitisque parte anteriori ferrugineo notatis, uropygio caudæque basi apiceque fulvo-luteis, hac medio nigra." (Vigors & Horsfield 1827) (Acanthiza).
● "CULICIVORA. ... 2. C. reguloides, Nob. — Præcedenti [C. parulus] valde affinis, a qua differt præcipue rostro paulo latiore et paulo depressiore, supraque maculis magnis oblongis, albo nigroque variegatis, pileo albo; plumis aliquot verticalibus elongatis nigris pogonio interno albis, fronte, superciliis, lateribusque capitis et colli guttureque et collo antico atris" (d'Orbigny & de La Fresnaye 1837) (Anairetes).
● "47. Phillopneuste reguloides, Nobis. This species approaches very closely to the Regulus modestus, Gould; but to judge from recollection of the original specimen of that rare bird, and also from the dimensions ascribed to the second specimen obtained (vide An. Nat. Hist., ii, 310), which was in England, the former having been killed in Dalmatia, I conclude it to be different, and to be further removed from the genus Regulus, an undescribed crestless species of which is also before me." (Blyth 1842) (Phylloscopus).
● "GOLDEN CRESTED WREN—SYLVIA REGULUS. PLATE VIII. FIG. 2. Motacilla Regulus, Linn. Syst. i. 338, 48.—Lath. Syn. iv. 508, 145.—Edw. 254.—Peale's Museum, No. 7246. REGULUS REGULOIDES.*—JARDINE. Regulus cristatus, Bonap. Synop. p. 91.—Female Golden-crowned Gold-crest, Cont. of N. A. Orn. i. pl. 2. p. 22.—Sylvia reguloides. Sw. MSS." (Jardine 1832) (syn. Regulus satrapa).
● "6. Tyrannulus reguloides, sp. nov. SP. CHAR.—Similar to T. elatus (LATH.) but smaller, black border to crest much narrower and less distinct, and hind-neck and sides of head much more ashy. ... Crown clear canary-yellow, bordered laterally with slaty-blackish" (Ridgway 1888) (syn. Tyrannulus elatus).
(syn. Phylloscopus Ϯ Pallas's Leaf Warbler P. proregulus) Genus Regulus Cuvier, 1800, goldcrest (formerly included the reguline leaf-warblers); Gr.
-οιδης -oidēs resembling (cf. specific name Phyllopneuste reguloides Blyth, 1842); "As another aberrant member of the same group, but which can scarcely range in the same minimum division with C. Burkii, though barely separable from C. trochiloides in a subgeneric sense, we have the Regulus modestus, Gould, a form which, if Abrornis be detached from Culicipeta, would equally require to be separated, and might range as the type of a distinct subdivision—Reguloides, nobis." (Blyth 1847); "Reguloides Blyth, 1847, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 16, p. 442. Type, by original designation, Regulus modestus Gould [= Regulus proregulus Pallas]." (Watson in Peters 1986, XI, 221).
Pied-crested Tit-Tyrant (albiventris)
SCI Name: Anairetes reguloides albiventris
albiventer / albiventre / albiventris
L. albus white; venter, ventris belly.
● ex “Drongri à Ventre Blanc” of Levaillant 1805, pl. 171 (syn. Dicrurus leucophaeus).
● ex “Martin-pêcheur de l’Île de Luçon” of Sonnerat 1776 (Halcyon).
● ex “Hirondelle à ventre blanc de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 546, fig. 2 (Tachycineta).
Pied-crested Tit-Tyrant (reguloides)
SCI Name: Anairetes reguloides reguloides
Genus Regulus Cuvier, 1800, kinglet, goldcrest; Gr. -οιδης -oidēs resembling.
● "they resemble most nearly the group of Regulus, Cuv.: they want, however, the singular plume which covers the nostrils of that genus. ... Like the Reguli they appear to be the inhabitants of bushes and low scrubs. ... 2. REGULOIDES. Acant. supra viridi-olivacea, subtus flavescenti-albida; fronte sincipitisque parte anteriori ferrugineo notatis, uropygio caudæque basi apiceque fulvo-luteis, hac medio nigra." (Vigors & Horsfield 1827) (Acanthiza).
● "CULICIVORA. ... 2. C. reguloides, Nob. — Præcedenti [C. parulus] valde affinis, a qua differt præcipue rostro paulo latiore et paulo depressiore, supraque maculis magnis oblongis, albo nigroque variegatis, pileo albo; plumis aliquot verticalibus elongatis nigris pogonio interno albis, fronte, superciliis, lateribusque capitis et colli guttureque et collo antico atris" (d'Orbigny & de La Fresnaye 1837) (Anairetes).
● "47. Phillopneuste reguloides, Nobis. This species approaches very closely to the Regulus modestus, Gould; but to judge from recollection of the original specimen of that rare bird, and also from the dimensions ascribed to the second specimen obtained (vide An. Nat. Hist., ii, 310), which was in England, the former having been killed in Dalmatia, I conclude it to be different, and to be further removed from the genus Regulus, an undescribed crestless species of which is also before me." (Blyth 1842) (Phylloscopus).
● "GOLDEN CRESTED WREN—SYLVIA REGULUS. PLATE VIII. FIG. 2. Motacilla Regulus, Linn. Syst. i. 338, 48.—Lath. Syn. iv. 508, 145.—Edw. 254.—Peale's Museum, No. 7246. REGULUS REGULOIDES.*—JARDINE. Regulus cristatus, Bonap. Synop. p. 91.—Female Golden-crowned Gold-crest, Cont. of N. A. Orn. i. pl. 2. p. 22.—Sylvia reguloides. Sw. MSS." (Jardine 1832) (syn. Regulus satrapa).
● "6. Tyrannulus reguloides, sp. nov. SP. CHAR.—Similar to T. elatus (LATH.) but smaller, black border to crest much narrower and less distinct, and hind-neck and sides of head much more ashy. ... Crown clear canary-yellow, bordered laterally with slaty-blackish" (Ridgway 1888) (syn. Tyrannulus elatus).
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, mispellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)