Moseley’s Rockhopper Penguin / Eudyptes moseleyi

Moseley\'s Rockhopper Penguin / Eudyptes moseleyi

Moseley's Rockhopper Penguin

SCI Name:  Eudyptes moseleyi
Protonym:  Eudyptes serresianus moseleyi Man.BirdsAustr. 1 p.11
Taxonomy:  Sphenisciformes / Spheniscidae /
Taxonomy Code:  rocpen4
Type Locality:  Inaccessible Island.
Publish Year:  1921
IUCN Status:  


(Spheniscidae; Ϯ Rockhopper Penguin E. chrysocome) Gr. ευ eu  fine; δυτης dutēs  diver  < δυω duō  to dive; "272. Gorfou, Endyptes.  Aptenodytes, Linn. Gm. Lath.  Bec droit à la base, comprimé, sillonné obliquement; mandibule supérieure crochue; l'inférieure arrondie ou tronquée à la pointe. 2 sections.  Esp. Manchot des Hottentots. — Sauteur, Buff.  ....  Eudyptes  [ευ, bene, δυπτης, urinator]" (Vieillot 1816); "Eudyptes Vieillot, Analyse, 1816, p. 67, 70. Type, by subsequent designation, Catarrhactes chrysocome auct. = Aptenodytes crestata J. F. Miller." (Peters, 1931, I, p. 31); "Eudyptes Vieillot, 1816, Analyse, pp. 67, 70. Type, by subsequent designation (G. R. Gray, 1840, List Gen. Birds, p. 77), Aptenodytes chrysocome Forster." (Falla & Mougin in Peters, 1979, I, 2nd. ed., p. 126).   
Var. Endyptes (original spelling).   
Synon. Catadyptes, Cataractes, Catarractes, Catarrhactes, Chrysocoma, Geopega, Microdyptes, Tasidyptes.

● Prof. Edwin Lincoln Moseley (1865-1948) US naturalist, botanist, teacher, collector in the Philippines, China and Japan (subsp. Actenoides lindsayi).
● Prof. Henry Nottidge Moseley (1844-1891) British zoologist, explorer (Eudyptes).