Gray-eyed Bulbul / Iole propinqua

Gray-eyed Bulbul / Iole propinqua

Gray-eyed Bulbul

SCI Name:  Iole propinqua
Protonym:  Criniger propinquus Nouv.Arch.Mus.Hist.Nat.(4), 5 p.76
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Pycnonotidae /
Taxonomy Code:  gyebul1
Type Locality:  Pa Mou, Laichau Province, Tonkin.
Publish Year:  1903
IUCN Status:  


(Pycnonotidae; Ϯ Buff-vented Bulbul I. charlottae) Gr. myth. Iole, daughter of King Eurytus of Oechalia and promised in marriage to Hercules. "The following very distinct form among the Flycatchers is also believed to be from the same quarter [Singapore].  Iole, Nobis, n. g.  Allied to Muscipeta, and especially to my M. plumosa (J. A. S. XI, 791), but the beak much less widened, being nearly similar to that of Trichastoma ferruginosum ...  Feet as in Muscipeta, but rather stouter ...  Plumage soft, and excessively dense and copious over the rump; the crown (at least in the species described,) subcrested, with pointed feathers much as in Hypsipetes.  I. olivacea, Nobis." (Blyth 1844); "Iole Blyth, 1844, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 13, p. 386. Type, by monotypy, Iole olivacea Blyth." (Deignan in Peters 1960, IX, 282); "74. Iole charlottae  ...  Species previously listed as I. olivacea, but specific epithet (preoccupied when species included in Hypsipetes) replaced before 1961 and thus permanently invalid; replacement name is crypta, over which charlottae has priority as name of species." (del Hoyo & Collar 2016, 468).
Var. Jole.

propinqua / propinquatus / propinquus
L. propinquus  related, similar, neighbouring  < prope  near  < pro  like.
● Lawrence 1867, felt obliged to give this new name to his Tachyphonus rubrifrons because the red on the forehead was caused by fruit pulp still adhering to the feathers (syn. Heterospingus rubrifrons).
● "Cette forme du T. personatus ne diffère de la forme typique de Bogota que par les dimensions un peu moins fortes, et plus sensiblement par le bec plus large et plus long.  ...  Toutes ces races sont très proches entre elles." (von Berlepsch & Taczanowski 1884) (syn. Trogon personatus assimilis).


Gray-eyed Bulbul (Gray-eyed)
SCI Name: Iole propinqua [propinqua Group]
(Pycnonotidae; Ϯ Buff-vented Bulbul I. charlottae) Gr. myth. Iole, daughter of King Eurytus of Oechalia and promised in marriage to Hercules. "The following very distinct form among the Flycatchers is also believed to be from the same quarter [Singapore].  Iole, Nobis, n. g.  Allied to Muscipeta, and especially to my M. plumosa (J. A. S. XI, 791), but the beak much less widened, being nearly similar to that of Trichastoma ferruginosum ...  Feet as in Muscipeta, but rather stouter ...  Plumage soft, and excessively dense and copious over the rump; the crown (at least in the species described,) subcrested, with pointed feathers much as in Hypsipetes.  I. olivacea, Nobis." (Blyth 1844); "Iole Blyth, 1844, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 13, p. 386. Type, by monotypy, Iole olivacea Blyth." (Deignan in Peters 1960, IX, 282); "74. Iole charlottae  ...  Species previously listed as I. olivacea, but specific epithet (preoccupied when species included in Hypsipetes) replaced before 1961 and thus permanently invalid; replacement name is crypta, over which charlottae has priority as name of species." (del Hoyo & Collar 2016, 468).
Var. Jole.

Gray-eyed Bulbul (innectens)
SCI Name: Iole propinqua innectens
L. innectens, innectentis  connected, joined  < innectere  to bind together.