Golden-fronted Leafbird / Chloropsis aurifrons
Golden-fronted Leafbird
SCI Name:
Protonym: Phyllornis aurifrons Pl.Col. livr.81 pl.484
Taxonomy: Passeriformes / Chloropseidae / Chloropsis
Taxonomy Code: goflea1
Type Locality: Sumatra. Restricted to India: Cachar by Baker, Bull. Brit. Orn. CI., 41, 1920, p. 8.
Author: Temminck
Publish Year: 1829
IUCN Status: Least Concern
(Chloropseidae; † Javan Leafbird C. cochinchinensis) Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; οψις opsis appearance; "GENUS CHLOROPSIS, NOBIS. TURDUS, Gmel. — PHILEDON, Cuvier. — CERTHIA, Shaw. ... CHAR. GEN. —Rostrum mediocre, subgracile, teretiusculum, incurvum, acutum, basi trigonum, medio ad apicem compressum; mandibula tomiis inclinantibus, pone apicem leviter utrinsecus emarginatis; mesorhinio carinatim elevato, angulo mentali rotundato. Lingua longa apice fibroso. Nares basales, laterales, membrana nuda postice tectæ. Alæ rotundatæ mediocres. Remige primo spurio, brevissimo, secundo tertioque longioribus, quarto quintoque longissimis, subæqualibus. Cauda æqualis, mediocris, rectricibus duodecim. Pedes insessores; tarsi et digiti breves, externo cum medio antico, basi coalito; hallux robustior; acropodia scutulata. Ungues sulcati, compressi incurvi, hallucis validior. Typus genericus, TURDUS cochinsinensis, Lath. ... The species at present known, and strictly referable to the genus, are few, and are all natives of the warm climates of Asia. From the formation of their tongue, which is long, extensile, and furnished at the tip with a pencil of cartilaginous fibres, they are supposed to feed principally upon the nectar of flowers: or, what is still more probable (judging from the strength of their bill, as compared with that of the true nectariferous species) on the juices or flesh of the tropical fruits. ... SYNOPSIS SPECIERUM. CHLOROPSIS. 1. C. COCHINSINENSIS ... 2. C. MALABARICUS ... 3. C. SONNERATI ... 4. C. GAMPSORYNCHUS ... CHLOROPSIS MALABARICUS, (NOBIS). Malabar Chloropsis. Plate V. ... Upper parts sap-green, changing in its intensity according to the light in which it is placed, and passing into gamboge-yellow behind the eyes, and where it comes in contact with the black throat. Under parts sap-green, lighter towards the vent" (Jardine & Selby 1827); "Chloropsis Jardine & Selby, 1827, Illustrations of Ornithology, 1, pt. 1, text to pl. V. Type, by original designation, Turdus cochinsinensis Latham, 1790 = Turdus cochinchinensis Gmelin, 1789" (JAJ 2020).
Var. Chloroposis.
Synon. Phyllornis.
Gr. χλωρος khlōros green; οψις opsis appearance.
L. aurum, auri gold; frons, frontis forehead, brow, front.
● ex “Petit merle de la côte de Malabar” of Sonnerat 1782, and “Yellow-fronted Thrush” of Latham 1783 (Chloropsis).
● ex “Jaquilma Parrakeet” of Latham 1802 (Psilopsiagon).
Golden-fronted Leafbird (aurifrons)
SCI Name: Chloropsis aurifrons aurifrons
L. aurum, auri gold; frons, frontis forehead, brow, front.
● ex “Petit merle de la côte de Malabar” of Sonnerat 1782, and “Yellow-fronted Thrush” of Latham 1783 (Chloropsis).
● ex “Jaquilma Parrakeet” of Latham 1802 (Psilopsiagon).
Golden-fronted Leafbird (frontalis)
SCI Name: Chloropsis aurifrons frontalis
frontale / frontalis
L. frontalis fronted, frontal < frontalia or frontale frontlet < frons, frontis forehead, brow (ref. distinctive, contrastingly coloured forehead patch, usually black or red).
● ex “Faucon Huppé” of Levaillant 1798, pl. 28 (syn. Crinifer piscator).
● Front Range, Rocky Mts., Colorado, USA (syn. Otus flammeolus).
● ex “Perruche Ara à Bandeau Rouge” of Levaillant 1801 (Pyrrhura).
Golden-fronted Leafbird (insularis)
SCI Name: Chloropsis aurifrons insularis
L. insularis of an island < insula, insulae island.
● Ceylon (= Sri Lanka) (syn. Accipiter badius, subsp. Chloropsis aurifrons, subsp. Dicrurus caerulescens, subsp. Prinia inornata).
● New Caledonia (syn. Accipiter fasciatus vigilax).
● Phu-Quoc I., Cochin China (=Vietnam) (subsp. Aethopyga siparaja).
● Andaman Is., Bay of Bengal (subsp. Amaurornis phoenicurus).
● Bahrain, Arabian Gulf (subsp. Ammomanes deserti)
● Erroneous TL. Madagascar (= Zanzibar) (subsp. Andropadus importunus).
● Santa Cruz I., Channel Is., California, USA (subsp. Aphelocoma californica, subsp. Eremophila alpestris).
● Rennell I., Solomon Is. (Aplonis).
● Jobi I. (= Japen = Yapen), New Guinea (Arses, subsp. Pachycephalopsis hattamensis).
● Sardinia (Bubo).
● Fernando Póo (= Bioko), Gulf of Guinea (syn. Campethera tullbergi, syn. Cinnyris chloropygius).
● Isla Cozumel, Quintana Roo, Mexico (syn. Cathartes aura, subsp. Cyclarhis gujanensis).
● Aldabra, Indian Ocean (subsp. Centropus toulou).
● Sardinia (syn. Coccothraustes coccothraustes).
● Grand Cayman, Caribbean Sea (subsp. Columbina passerina).
● New Britain, Bismarck Archipelago, Papua New Guinea (Corvus).
● Formosa/Taiwan (subsp. Dendrocopos leucotos, Myophonus, syn. Garrulus bispecularis).
● Borneo (syn. Dicrurus paradiseus).
● Nicobar Is., Bay of Bengal (syn. Ducula aenea nicobarica).
● Corsica (syn. Emberiza calandra, syn. Saxicola rubicola).
● Socotra (subsp. Emberiza tahapisi, Passer).
● Weda Is., Halmahera, Indonesia (syn. Eos squamata).
● Tres Marías Is., Nayarit, Mexico (Forpus, subsp. Myadestes occidentalis, subsp. Nyctidromus albicollis, subsp. Pachyramphus aglaiae, subsp. Setophaga pitiayumi, syn. Zenaida asiatica).
● Lord Howe I., Tasman Sea (syn. Fregetta grallaria, ‡Gerygone).
● Rottnest I., Western Australia (syn. Gavicalis virescens).
● Meco I., Quintana Roo, Mexico (subsp. Habia fuscicauda).
● Ship I., off Gulfport, Mississippi, USA (syn. Hirundo rustica erythrogaster).
● Tobago (Hylophilus, subsp. Platyrinchus mystaceus, subsp. Psarocolius decumanus).
● Isla Guadalupe, Baja California, Mexico (Junco).
● Isla Margarita, Venezuela (syn. Leptotila verreauxi, subsp. Quiscalus lugubris).
● New Providence, Bahamas (sym. Leuconotopicus villosus maynardi).
● King I., Bass Strait, Australia (syn. Melithreptus brevirostris).
● Kangean Is., Java Sea, Indonesia (subsp. Oriolus chinensis).
● Fergusson I., D'Entrecasteaux Is., Papua New Guinea (Otidiphaps).
● Mahé I., Seychelles (Otus).
● Kodiak I., Alaska, USA (subsp. Passerella unalaschcensis).
● Honshu, Japan (subsp. Periparus ater).
● Stewart I., New Zealand (syn. Poodytes punctatus).
● Henderson I., Pitcairn Group, Pacific Ocean (Ptilinopus).
● Naochow I., Kwangtung, China (syn. Pycnonotus aurigaster resurrectus).
● Banggai I., North Borneo (syn. Pycnonotus plumosus hachisukae).
● Madagascar (Sarothrura, subsp. Thalassornis leuconotus).
● Forsyth I., Bass Strait, Australia (syn. Sericornis frontalis).
● Grand Bahama I., Bahamas (Sitta).
● Trinidad (syn. Sporophila intermedia).
● Nias I., Sumatra (subsp. Terpsiphone affinis).
● Terangan I., Aru Is., Indonesia (syn. Todiramphus macleayii).
● Isla Socorro, Colima, Mexico (syn. Troglodytes sissonii).
● Erroneous TL. São Vicente, Cape Verde Is. (= St. Vincent, West Indies) (subsp. Tyto glaucops).
● Vancouver I., British Columbia, Canada (syn. Vireo huttoni).
● Stephens I., Cook Strait, New Zealand (‡syn. Xenicus lyalli).
● Curaçao, Dutch Antilles (subsp. Zonotrichia capensis).
● Tanegashima, south of Kyushu, Japan (subsp. Zosterops japonicus).
Golden-fronted Leafbird (pridii)
SCI Name: Chloropsis aurifrons pridii
Pridi Phanomyong (1901-1983) Thai politician, statesman, Prime Minister 1946 (subsp. Chloropsis aurifrons).
Golden-fronted Leafbird (inornata)
SCI Name: Chloropsis aurifrons inornata
inornata / inornatum / inornatus
L. inornatus plain, unadorned < in- not; ornatus adorned, decorated < ornare to adorn.
● See: mavornata
Golden-fronted Leafbird (incompta)
SCI Name: Chloropsis aurifrons incompta
incompta / incomptus
L. incomptus unadorned, rough, inelegant, unkempt < in- not; comptus adorned, neat < comere to adorn.
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, mispellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)