Golden Cuckooshrike / Campochaera sloetii

Golden Cuckooshrike / Campochaera sloetii

Golden Cuckooshrike

SCI Name:  Campochaera sloetii
Protonym:  Campephaga sloetii Nederl.Tijdschr.Dierk. 3 p.253
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Campephagidae /
Taxonomy Code:  golcus1
Type Locality:  Seleh, southwestern Cape of the Vogelkop.
Publish Year:  1866
IUCN Status:  


(Campephagidae; Golden Cuckoo-shrike C. sloetii) Gr. καμπη kampē  caterpillar; χαιρω khairō  to delight in; despite its name, which reflects its relationship with the cuckoo-shrikes Campephaga, the Golden Cuckoo-shrike feeds mainly on small fruits and insects; "Genus 2. Campochæra, Salvad.   1. C. sloetii (Schl.).  Hab. New Guinea.  Campephaga aurulenta, Sclater, Pr. Z. S. 1873, p. 692, pl. 54.  Campephaga Sloetii, Meyer. Sitz. Wiener Akad. 1874, LXX. p. 125.   This species is doubtless generically distinct and I therefore adopt Count Salvadori's name.  It has a bill like Graucalus, but the tail reminds one of Pericrocotus, being very strongly graduated, so that the distance between the tip of the outer feather and that of the middle one exceeds the tarsus in length." (Sharpe 1878); "Sp. 74. Campochaera sloeti (SCHLEG.)   ...   Il nuovo genere Campochaera, che ha per tipo la Campephaga sloeti, Schleg., può essere caratterizzato nel modo seguente:  Genus novum CAMPOCHAERA generi LALAGI affine, sed rostro ad basin latiore, cauda paullo longiore, rectricibus acutiusculis et coloribus plumarum satis diversum.  Rispetto ai colori la C. sloeti ricorda alquanto le specie del gere [sic] Indo-malese Pericrocotus ed anche alcune del genere Africano Campophaga." (Salvadori 1879);  "Campochæra Salvadori, Ann. Mus. Civ. Gen. vol. xiv. p. 61 [= 67], Feb. 14th, 1879.  Type (by original designation): Campephaga sloetii Schlegel" (Mathews, 1930, Syst. Av. Austral., II, 529); "Campochaera "Salvadori" in Sharpe, 1878, Mitt. K. Zool. Mus. Dresden, 3, p. 363.  Type, by monotypy, Campephaga sloetii Schlegel." (Peters, 1960, IX, p. 195). 

Ludolf Anne Jan Wilt Baron Sloet van der Beele (1806-1890) Dutch jurist, historian, Gov.-Gen. of the Dutch East Indies 1861-1866 (Campochaera).


Golden Cuckooshrike (sloetii)
SCI Name: Campochaera sloetii sloetii
Ludolf Anne Jan Wilt Baron Sloet van der Beele (1806-1890) Dutch jurist, historian, Gov.-Gen. of the Dutch East Indies 1861-1866 (Campochaera).

Golden Cuckooshrike (flaviceps)
SCI Name: Campochaera sloetii flaviceps
L. flavus  yellow; -ceps  -capped  < caput, capitis  head.
● ex “Tordo cabeza amarilla” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 66 (syn. Xanthopsar flavus).