Dull-capped Attila / Attila bolivianus
Dull-capped Attila
SCI Name:
Protonym: Attila bolivianus Rev.Zool. 11 p.46
Taxonomy: Passeriformes / Tyrannidae / Attila
Taxonomy Code: ducatt1
Type Locality:
Author: Lafresnaye
Publish Year: 1848
IUCN Status: Least Concern
(Tyrannidae; Ϯ Bright-rumped Attila A. spadiceus) Attila (406-453) ruler of the Hunnish tribes that ravaged Europe in the fifth century, who revelled in the appelation “Scourge of God.” The Bright-rumped Attila was given this epithet because of its aggressive behaviour and tyrant flycatcher-like appearance and affinities; "CXVII.e Genre ATTILA; Attila. Bec triangulaire, alongé, dilaté à la base, à fosses nasales profondes, triangulaires, couvertes d'une membrane, séparées par l'arête, qui est saillante, arrondie, terminée en crochet aigu; mandibule supérieure comprimée vers l'extrémité, dentée; mandibule inférieure moins longue, à pointe vive, renflée en dessous; bouche ciliée; ailes alongées, à troisième rémige la plus longue; queue ample; élargie, presque rectiligne; tarses alongées, scutellés. ATTILA BRÉSILIEN; Attila brasiliensis. Le Tyran olive, Mus. de Paris. ... Du Brésil." (Lesson 1831); "Attila Lesson, 1831, Traité Ornith., p. 360. Type, by monotypy, Attila brasiliensis Lesson = Muscicapa spadicea Gmelin." (Snow in Peters, 1979, VIII, p. 186).
Synon. Dasycephala, Dasyopsis, Poliochrus, Pseudattila.
boliviae / boliviana / bolivianum / bolivianus / boliviensis
Bolivia (named after Simón Bolívar (1783-1830) "The Liberator", Venezuelan revolutionary, who helped to expel the Spaniards from their South American empire).
Dull-capped Attila (nattereri)
SCI Name: Attila bolivianus nattereri
natterei / nattereri / nattererii / natterii
Dr Johann Natterer (1787-1843) Austrian zoologist, collector, resident in Brazil 1817-1835 (subsp. Amazona ochrocephala, Anthus, subsp. Attila bolivianus, syn. Augastes scutatus, syn. Certhia brachydactyla, subsp. Colaptes melanochloros, Cotinga, Hylopezus, Lepidothrix, subsp. Loriotus cristatus (?x), Lurocalis, subsp. Momotus momota, subsp. Nonnula ruficapilla, Phaethornis, syn. Phylloscopus bonellii, Pipile, subsp. Platyrinchus platyrhynchos, syn. Poecilotriccus latirostris ochropterus, subsp. Rupornis magnirostris, Selenidera, syn. Tinamus solitarius, syn. Tityra inquisitor).
Dull-capped Attila (bolivianus)
SCI Name: Attila bolivianus bolivianus
boliviae / boliviana / bolivianum / bolivianus / boliviensis
Bolivia (named after Simón Bolívar (1783-1830) "The Liberator", Venezuelan revolutionary, who helped to expel the Spaniards from their South American empire).
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, mispellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)