Collared Finchbill / Spizixos semitorques

Collared Finchbill / Spizixos semitorques

Collared Finchbill

SCI Name:  Spizixos semitorques
Protonym:  Spizixos semitorques Ibis p.266
Taxonomy:  Passeriformes / Pycnonotidae /
Taxonomy Code:  colfin1
Type Locality:  'Pehling plateau,'' near Minhow [Foochow], Fukien.
Publish Year:  1861
IUCN Status:  


(Pycnonotidae; Ϯ Crested Finchbill S. canifrons) Gr. σπιζα spiza  finch  < σπιζω spizō  to chirp; genus Ixos Temminck, 1825, bulbul; "Spizixos, nobis, n. g.  General structure of Pycnonotus, but differing greatly in the shortness and (for a member of this group) extraordinary thickness of the bill, the lateral outline of which approaches that of Conostoma æmodius, Hodgson, J. A. S., X, 856, except that the tip of the upper mandible curves more decidedly downward over that of the lower mandible, being also pointed and distinctly notched, with a sinuation corresponding to the notch in the lower mandible; as viewed from above, however, the resemblance to the beak of the Conostoma ceases, for that of the present bird narrows evenly to a point from a tolerably wide base; the ridge of the upper mandible is obtusely angulated, and is distinctly arched, rising at base where concealed by the feathers of the forehead. Rest as in Pycnonotus, but approaching to Criniger.    Sp. canifrons, nobis." (Blyth 1845); "Spizixos Blyth, 1845, Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, 14, p. 571. Type, by monotypy, Spizixos canifrons Blyth." (Deignan in Peters 1960, IX, 222).
Var. Spizixus.
Synon. Cophixus.

semitorques / semitorquis
L. semi-  small, half-  < semis, semissis  half  < as, assis  whole; torques or torquis  collar  < torquere  to twist.


Collared Finchbill (semitorques)
SCI Name: Spizixos semitorques semitorques
semitorques / semitorquis
L. semi-  small, half-  < semis, semissis  half  < as, assis  whole; torques or torquis  collar  < torquere  to twist.

Collared Finchbill (cinereicapillus)
SCI Name: Spizixos semitorques cinereicapillus
cinereicapilla / cinereicapillus
L. cinereus  ash-grey  < cinis, cineris  ashes; -capillus  -crowned  < capillus  hair of the head.