Brown Nunlet / Nonnula brunnea

Brown Nunlet / Nonnula brunnea

Brown Nunlet

SCI Name:  Nonnula brunnea
Protonym:  Nonnula brunnea Ibis p.600
Taxonomy:  Galbuliformes / Bucconidae /
Taxonomy Code:  bronun1
Type Locality:  Sarayacu, Ecuador.
Publish Year:  1881
IUCN Status:  


(Bucconidae; Ϯ Rusty-breasted Nunlet N. rubecula) Mod. L. nonnula  nunlet, little nun  < dim. Med. L. nonna  nun  < Late Gr. νοννα nonna  nun  < νοννος nonnos  monk; "For the more debile and passerine form of Malacoptila, represented by the Bucco rubecula, Spix, and Lypornix ruficapilla, Tschudi, I propose the new generic or subgeneric appellation Nonnula, type N. rubecula (Bucco rubecula, Spix, Av. Bras. i. t. 39. fig. 1. p. 51).  The members of this section are much inferior in size to the true Malacoptilæ." (P. Sclater 1853).
Synon. Microtrogon.

Mod. L. nonnula  nunlet, little nun  < dim. Med. L. nonna  nun  < Late Gr. νοννα nonna  nun  < νοννος nonnos  monk.

Mod. L. brunneus  brown  < Med. L. brunius  brown.