Bar-throated Apalis / Apalis thoracica
Bar-throated Apalis
SCI Name:
Protonym: Motacilla thoracica Nat.Misc. 22 pl.969
Taxonomy: Passeriformes / Cisticolidae / Apalis
Taxonomy Code: batapa2
Type Locality: interior of Africa; Grahamstown, Cape Province, suggested by W. L. Sclater, 1930, Syst. Avium Aethiopicarum, p. 519.
Author: Shaw
Publish Year: 1811
IUCN Status: Least Concern
(Cisticolidae; Ϯ Bar-throated Apalis A. thoracica) Gr. ἁπαλος hapalos soft, delicate (cf. Gotch 1981, erroneously suggested Apalis might be from an African name); "[plate 119] APALIS thoracica ... [text] APALIS thoracia [sic]. Gorget Warbler. Family Sylviadæ. Sub-fam: Sylvianæ. Genus (?) Apalis. GENERIC (?) CHARACTER. General structue [sic] of Prinea, but the bill shorter, the plumage more compact, and the outer toe not connected to the middle as far as the first joint. ... Le Plastron Noir. Le Vaill. Ois. d'Af. 3 pl. 123. f. 1 male. 2 fem. Motacilla thoracia [sic]. Nat. Miss [sic]. 22. pl. 969. THIS is one of the pretty warblers of Southern Africa, discovered by Le Vaillant: it is very common and widely distributed in the interior, but rare near the Cape. ... That this bird is of a tenuirostral type, is almost certain; seeing that it is an obvious representation of Motacilla, Pachycephala, Tamatia, Trichas, Charadrius, and many other collared groups: but whether it forms part of the genus Prinea, or represents the tenuirostral genus between that and Culicivora, is very uncertain. We suspect that this latter station is filled by the Taylor-Warblers of India, not one of which is to be found in our public Museums." (Swainson 1832); "Apalis Swainson, 1832, Zool. Illus., ser. 2, 3, p. 119, pl. 119. Type, by monotypy, Motacilla thoracica Shaw and Nodder." (Traylor in Peters, 1986, XI, p. 154).
Var. Hapalis.
Synon. Chlorodyta, Drymoterpe, Euprinodes.
thoracica / thoracicus
Med. L. thoracicus pectoral, of the chest < Gr. θωρακικος thōrakikos suffering in the chest < θωραξ thōrax, θωρακος thōrakos breastplate.
● ex “Plastron Noir” of Levaillant 1803, pl. 123 (Apalis).
● ex “Alconcillo aplomado” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 39 (syn. Falco femoralis).
Bar-throated Apalis (griseiceps)
SCI Name: Apalis thoracica griseiceps
Med. L. griseum grey; L. -ceps -headed < caput, capitis head.
Bar-throated Apalis (pareensis)
SCI Name: Apalis thoracica pareensis
Pare Mts., north-eastern Tanzania.
Bar-throated Apalis (uluguru)
SCI Name: Apalis thoracica uluguru
ulugurensis / uluguru
Uluguru Mts., German East Africa / Tanzania.
Bar-throated Apalis (murina)
SCI Name: Apalis thoracica murina
Mod. L. murinus mouse-grey < L. murinus of mice, mouse- < mus, muris mouse.
● ex “Murine Warbler” of Latham 1783 (unident.).
Bar-throated Apalis (youngi)
SCI Name: Apalis thoracica youngi
● Revd. William Paulin Young (b. 1886) Scottish missionary to Nyasaland 1911-1938 (subsp. Apalis thoracica, syn. Scotornis fossii).
● Charles Gore Young (b. 1901) British colonial administrator, ornithologist, collector in Malaya 1922-1942 and Cameroon 1943-1950 (syn. Bradypterus lopezi camerunensis).
● Eponym; dedicatee not yet identified; "690. Pachycephala gutturalis youngi subsp. n. Victorian Thickhead. Mathews, Handlist No. 667 (pars). Differs from P. g. gutturalis in having the tail for half its distance from the tip quite black: the basal half being grey. Type: Victoria, No. 2635. Range: Victoria." (Mathews 1912, Novitates Zoologicae, XVIII, 313) (subsp. Pachycephala pectoralis).
● Capt. Sir Arthur Henderson Young (1854-1938) British Army, colonial administrator in Cyprus 1878-1905, Governor of Straits Settlements and High Commissioner of the Malay States 1911-1920 (subsp. Phylloscopus castaniceps).
● John Young (1838-1901) English civil servant, ornithologist, collector in the Pacific 1886-1887 (Todiramphus).
Bar-throated Apalis (whitei)
SCI Name: Apalis thoracica whitei
● Capt. Samuel Albert White (1870-1954) Australian Army, explorer, collector, ornithologist (subsp. Acanthiza lineata, syn. Aphelocephala leucopsis, syn. Ashbyia lovensis, syn. Barnardius zonarius, syn. Colluricincla harmonica rufiventris, syn. Dasyornis broadbenti, syn. Manorina melanocephala, syn. Phalacrocorax varius, syn. Platalea flavipes, syn. Polytelis swainsonii, syn. Porzana fluminea, syn. Psitteuteles versicolor, syn. Ptilotula penicillata, syn. Rhipidura albiscapa alisteri, syn. Tribonyx ventralis, syn. Tyto novaehollandiae).
● Henry Luke White (1860-1927) Australian philatelist, oologist, collector (subsp. Amytornis striatus, Falcunculus).
● Charles Matthew Newton White (1914-1978) British colonial administrator in Northern Rhodesia/ Zambia, ornithologist, anthropologist, linguist (subsp. Apalis thoracica, syn. Prodotiscus regulus, syn. Pternistis squamatus).
● Alfred Henry Ebsworth White (1901-1964) Australian field-naturalist, son of collector Henry L. White (see Lacustroica) (Conopophila).
● Sir Herbert Thirkell White (1855-1931) British colonial administrator in Burma 1878-1905, Lt.-Gov. of Burma 1905-1910 (subsp. Cyornis banyumas).
● Samuel White (1835-1880) English settler in Australia (1842), collector, explorer, father of Samuel A. White (syn. Glycichaera fallax poliocephala, syn. Malurus splendens callainus, syn. Malurus splendens melanotus).
● Revd. Gilbert White (1720-1793) English naturalist, antiquarian, author (syn. Zoothera aurea).
● See: whiteae
Bar-throated Apalis (quarta)
SCI Name: Apalis thoracica quarta
L. quartus fourth < quattuor four.
Bar-throated Apalis (arnoldi)
SCI Name: Apalis thoracica arnoldi
Dr George Arnold (1881-1962) British entomologist, Curator/Director of National Mus. Southern Rhodesia (subsp. Apalis thoracica).
Bar-throated Apalis (rhodesiae)
SCI Name: Apalis thoracica rhodesiae
rhodesiae / rhodesiensis
The Rhodesias incorporated lands administered until the early 1920s by the British South Africa Company, including Mashonaland, Matabeleland and Manicaland (later Southern Rhodesia / Zimbabwe), and North-East Rhodesia and North-West Rhodesia (later Northern Rhodesia / Zambia).
Bar-throated Apalis (flaviventris)
SCI Name: Apalis thoracica flaviventris
flaviventer / flaviventre / flaviventris
L. flavus yellow, golden-yellow; venter, ventris belly.
● ex “Ortolan à ventre jaune du Cap de Bonne Espérance” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 664, fig. 2 (Emberiza).
● ex “Petit Râle de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 847 (Hapalocrex).
● ex "Ypacahá ceja blanca" of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 377 (syn. Hapalocrex flaviventer).
● ex “Coucou à ventre rayé de l’Île Panay” of Sonnerat 1776 (syn. Hierococcyx sparverioides).
● ex “Tachurí vientre amarillo” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 171 (Pseudocolopteryx).
● ex “Tangara tacheté de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 290, fig. 2 (syn. Tangara mexicana).
Bar-throated Apalis (spelonkensis)
SCI Name: Apalis thoracica spelonkensis
Groot Spelonken, northern Transvaal, South Africa.
Bar-throated Apalis (lebomboensis)
SCI Name: Apalis thoracica lebomboensis
lebombo / lebomboensis
Lebombo Mts., northern Zululand, Natal / KwaZulu Natal, South Africa.
Bar-throated Apalis (venusta)
SCI Name: Apalis thoracica venusta
L. venustus beautiful, lovely < venus loveliness.
Bar-throated Apalis (drakensbergensis)
SCI Name: Apalis thoracica drakensbergensis
drakensbergensis / drakensbergi
Drakensberg Mts., South Africa/Lesotho.
Bar-throated Apalis (thoracica)
SCI Name: Apalis thoracica thoracica
thoracica / thoracicus
Med. L. thoracicus pectoral, of the chest < Gr. θωρακικος thōrakikos suffering in the chest < θωραξ thōrax, θωρακος thōrakos breastplate.
● ex “Plastron Noir” of Levaillant 1803, pl. 123 (Apalis).
● ex “Alconcillo aplomado” of de Azara 1802-1805, no. 39 (syn. Falco femoralis).
Bar-throated Apalis (claudei)
SCI Name: Apalis thoracica claudei
● Capt. Claude Henry Baxter Grant (1878-1958) British ornithologist at BMNH 1898-1903, 1932-1958, in East Africa 1916-1932 (subsp. Apalis thoracica, syn. Turdoides tenebrosa).
● Original spelling of specific name Lioptilus claudi Alexander, 1903 (= subsp. Sylvia abyssinica).
Bar-throated Apalis (capensis)
SCI Name: Apalis thoracica capensis
capense / capensis
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa (originally named Cabo das Tormentas Cape of Storms, by the Portuguese explorer Bartolomeu Dias in 1488, it was renamed Cabo de Boa Esperança by João II King of Portugal in 1490 to reflect the optimism engendered by his country's explorations).
● ex “Cape Wigeon” of Latham 1785 (Anas).
● ex “Petite Mésange du Cap de Bonne Espérance” of Sonnerat 1782, “Petit Deuil” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Cape-Titmouse” of Latham 1783 (syn. Anthoscopus minutus).
● "113. MUSCICAPA. ... capensis. 16. M. fuscus, subtus alba, pectore nigro, fascia alarum rufa, rectricibus apice albis. Briss. av. 2. p. 372. t. 36. f. 3. Habitat ad Cap. b. spei. Latera abdominis rufa. Tectrices alarum majores apice rufæ. Rectrices nigræ, apice albæ: extima latere exteriore alba." (Linnaeus 1766) (Batis).
● ex “Grand Duc” of Levaillant 1799, pl. 40 (unident.;?syn. Bubo capensis).
● Erroneous TL. Cape of Good Hope (= Cayenne); "56. BUCCO. ... capensis. 1. B. rufus, fascia humerali fulva, pectorali nigra. Bucco. Briss. av. 4. p. 92. t. 6. f. 2. Habitat ad Cap. b. spei. Cauda rotundata rectricibus 10." (Linnaeus 1766) (Bucco).
● ex “Sirli du Cap de Bonne Espérance” of de Buffon 1770-1783 (syn. Certhilauda curvirostris).
● ex “Corneille du Cap” of Levaillant 1800, pl. 52 (Corvus).
● ex “Coucou du Cap de Bonne Espérance” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 390, and “Cape Cuckow” of Latham 1782 (syn. Cuculus solitarius).
● "65. CERTHIA. ... capensis. 4. C. grisea, rectricibus nigricantibus: extima exterius albo fimbriata. Briss. av. 3. p. 618. t. 31. f. 1. Habitat ad Cap. b. spei." (Linnaeus 1766) (unident.; ?syn. Cyanomitra olivacea).
● Seas off the Cape of Good Hope (“Said by sailors to be a sure presage of a near approach to that promontory” (Latham 1785)); "64. PROCELLARIA. ... capensis. 3. P. albo fuscoque varia. Amœn. acad. 4. p. . . Osb. it. 76 Anas alia indica. Gesn. av. 803. t. 804. f. 2. Peteril media maculata. Edw. av. 90. t. 90. f. 2. Habitat ad Cap. b. Spei." (Linnaeus 1758) (Daption).
● ex “Pic à tête grise du Cap de Bonne Espérance” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 786, fig. 2, and “Cape Woodpecker” of Latham 1782 (syn. Dendropicos griseocephalus).
● "110. EMBERIZA. ... capensis. 9. E. grisea, gula albida, fascia oculari maxillarumque nigricante. Hortulanus capitis b. spei. Briss. av. 3. p. 230. t. 14. f. 4. Habitat ad Cap. b. spei." (Linnaeus 1766) (Emberiza).
● "109. LOXIA. ... capensis. 39. L. atra, uropygio tectricibusque alarum luteis. Fringilla capitis b. spei. Briss. av. 3. p. 171. t. 16. f. 1. Habitat ad Caput b. spei." (Linnaeus 1766) (Euplectes).
● ex “Montagnard” of Levaillant 1798, pl. 35 (syn. Falco rupicolus).
● Erroneous TL. Cape of Good Hope (= Cayenne); ex “Petite perruche au Cap de Bonne Espérance” of d’Aubenton 1765-17781, pl. 455, fig. 1, “Perruche aux ailes bleues” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Blue-winged Parrakeet” of Latham 1781 (syn. Forpus passerinus).
● Erroneous TL. Madagascar, Réunion and Cape of Good Hope (= Réunion); ex “Huppe du cap de bonne Espérance” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 697, “Huppe noire et blanche du cap de bonne espérance” of de Buffon 1770-1783, and “Madagascar Hoopoe” of Latham 1782 (‡syn. Fregilupus varius).
● Erroneous TL. Cape of Good Hope (= India); "106. STURNUS. ... capensis. 2. S. nigricans, capitis lateribus subtusque albus. Sturnus capitis b. spei. Briss. av. 2. p. 446. t. 41. f. 3. Habitat ad Cap. b. spei. An varietas S. contræ? Macula alarum & uropygium alba. Rostrum basi flavescens, apice rufescens. Pedes lutei." (Linnaeus 1766) (syn. Gracupica contra).
● Erroneous TL. Cape of Good Hope (= Cayenne); ex “Carouge du Cap de Bonne Espérance” (= ♀) of Brisson 1760, and “Carouge de Cayenne” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 343 (syn. Icterus spurius).
● "105. ALAUDA. ... capensis. 8. A. rectricibus tribus lateralibus apice albis, gula lutea nigro marginata, superciliis flavis. Alauda capitis b. spei. Briss. av. 3. p. 364. t. 19. f. 3. Habitat ad Cap. b. spei." (Linnaeus 1766) (Macronyx).
● "114. MOTACILLA. ... capensis. 24. M. fusca, subtus albida, fascia pectorali fusca, superciliis albis, rectricibus lateralibus oblique albis. Motacilla capitis b. spei. Briss. av. 3. p. 476. t. 25. f. 3. Habitat ad Cap. b. spei." (Linnaeus 1766) (Motacilla).
● "104. COLUMBA. ... capensis. 39. C. macroura, cauda cuneata, remigibus primoribus latere interiore rufis. Turtur capitis b. spei. Briss. av. 1. p. 120. t. 9. f. 2. Habitat ad Cap. b. spei. Corpus griseo-fuscum. Alæ macula chalybis splendentis. Maris jugulum atrum. Rostrum & Pedes rubra." (Linnaeus 1766) (Oena).
● ex “Traquet Montagnard” of Levaillant 1806, pl. 184, fig. 2 (syn. Oenanthe monticola).
● ex “Loriot Coudougnan” of Levaillant 1808, pll. 261, 262 (syn. Oriolus larvatus).
● Erroneous TL. Cape of Good Hope (= Java); ex “Martin-pescheur du Cap de Bonne Espérance” of Brisson 1760 (Pelargopsis).
● ex “Jaboteur” of Levaillant 1801 (syn. Phyllastrephus terrestris).
● "52. ORIOLUS. ... capensis. 18. O. fusco-olivaceus, subtus luteus. Xanthornus capitis b. spei. Briss. av. 2. p. 128. Habitat ad Cap. b. spei." (Linnaeus 1766) (Ploceus).
● Cape York Peninsula, Queensland, Australia (syn. Podargus strigoides phalaenoides, syn. Sericornis magnirostris dubius).
● ex “Cape Partridge” of Latham 1783 (Pternistis).
● "107. TURDUS. ... capensis. 17. T. nigricans, abdomine subflavescente, crisso luteo. Merula fusca cap. b. spei. Briss. av. 2. p. 259. t. 27. f. 3. Habitat ad Cap. b. spei." (Linnaeus 1766) (Pycnonotus).
● "86. SCOPOLAX [sic]. ... capensis. 14. S. rostro recto lineaque verticis rufescentibus, fascia pectorali nigra, linea utrinque dorsali alba. Gallinago capitis b. spei. Briss. app. 141. t. 6. Habitat ad Cap. b. spei. Dorsum cinereum, nigro undulatum. Lineola albido-rufescens a rostro ad occiput. Orbitæ albæ postice in fasciam productæ. Collum antice rufum. Pectus fascia nigra, a qua fascia alba utrinque per dorsum ducta ad uropygium. Abdomen album. Pedes nigri." (Linnaeus 1766) (syn. Rostratula benghalensis).
● ex “Gobe-mouche à collier du Cap de Bonne Espérance” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 572, fig. 2 (syn. Saxicola torquata).
● Erroneous TL. Cape of Good Hope (= South Island, New Zealand) (‡Turnagra).
● Erroneous TL. Cape of Good Hope (= Cayenne); ex “Bruant du Cap de Bonne-Espérance” of d’Aubenton 1765-1781, pl. 386, fig. 2 (Zonotrichia).
● ex “Orange-bellied Manakin” of Latham 1783 (unident.).
Bar-throated Apalis (griseopyga)
SCI Name: Apalis thoracica griseopyga
griseopyga / griseopygius / griseopygus
Med. L. griseum grey; Gr. -πυγιος -pugios -rumped < πυγη pugē rump.
UPPERCASE: current genus
Uppercase first letter: generic synonym
● and ● See: generic homonyms
lowercase: species and subspecies
●: early names, variants, mispellings
‡: extinct
†: type species
Gr.: ancient Greek
L.: Latin
<: derived from
syn: synonym of
/: separates historical and modern geographic names
ex: based on
TL: type locality
OD: original diagnosis (genus) or original description (species)